VHF Satellite Antenna for Polar Orbiting SatellitesBuilt-in Preamplifier and High-Q-Filter
Our crossed dipole antenna KX-137 offers best conditions for an optimal reception of the polar orbiting weather satellites in the 137 MHz range.
Construction and Function:
Two horizontally mounted crossed dipoles are coupled through a phase shifting network so that true circular right hand polarized reception is achieved. For signals arriving parallel to the surface this arrangement acts as an omnidirectional linearly polarized antenna. With increasing elevation angle we get an increasing vertical radiation component and the polarization changes from linear over elliptic into circular. Thus the up-looking KX-137 is the ideal counterpart to the downlooking satellite antenna and always gets the maximum possible radiation energy.
A very low-noise preamplifier with a high-Q-filter is integrated inside the antenna head. In that way, the KX-137 avoids the performance-degrading cable- and matching losses that are always present in other configurations and effectively suppresses interference from strong neighborhood-stations like aviation or ham-radio. A passive reflector amplifies reception from the satellites above and reduces fading caused by surface reflections.
To enable the KX-137 to unfold its full performance, it should be mounted so that there always is an open line of sight to the satellites. Then noise-free images in a range of about 5000 km can be expected.
Built to Last
Not only the principle of operation is ideal, also the quality of material and manufacture is best: Stainless-steel screw connections of the elements allow quick and easy antenna installation. All sensitive electronic parts and components are shielded in the water- and UV-resistant antenna head box. The mast mount is made of galvanized steel. Availability of replacable parts is guaranteed for many years ahead.
The KX-137 provides best omni-directional reception results for polar orbiting satellites in the 137 MHz band. It is weatherproof and durable. In situations where the KX-137 may be too big or striking, e.g. onboard ship, our MX-137 is an interesting alternative of nearly the same reception performance.
Technical Data
- Wide vertical reception angle allows reception from horizon to horizon.
- Reflector elements suppress surface reflections.
- Righthand circular polarisation.
- Internal low-noise preamplifier with typ. 17 dB gain.
- High selectivity due to high-Q-filter in the 137 MHz range.
- N-type connector 50 Ohms.
- 9 V to 15 V DC supply through the coaxial cable.
- Dimensions: Height: ~100 cm, Width: max. 115 cm.
- Mastmount, max. 60 mm diameter.
- Weight: ~ 1 kg.
Compact VHF Satellite Antenna for Polar Orbiting SatellitesOptimal Solution for Onboard Operation
Designed for Onboard Use
In most cases, regular full-size satellite antennas are too large and too weather-sensitive for onboard operation. The MX-137, however, being especially designed for this, measures only about half the size due to its flexible and very sturdy elements. All sensitive electronic components are contained in a water- and UV-resistant sturdy box. The mast mount is made of stainless steel only and the N-type connector is watertight. In an urban environment the model KX-137 should be preferred: It reduces possible reflections from buildings or walls.

Built-in Preamp and Filter
With its built-in very low-noise preamplifier, high-Q-filter and well designed matching circuit, the reception performance and stability of the MX-137 is nearly equal, sometimes even better than with regular full-size antennas. DC-power for the preamp is fed through the coaxial cable from the receiver (APT-06). For best performance, each antenna is individually fine-tuned and tested for perfect satellite reception before delivery.

MX-137 mounted and used onboard in the Baltic Sea
Technical Data
- Wide vertical reception angle allows reception from horizon to horizon.
- Internal low-noise preamplifier with typ. 17 dB gain.
- High selectivity due to high-Q-filter in the 137 MHz range.
- N-type connector 50 Ohms.
- 9 V to 15 V DC supply through the coaxial cable.
- Maximum size between the ends of the elements: 54 cm.
- Dimensions of antenna-box: 13.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 10.5 cm.
- Stainless steel mastmount, max. 60 mm diameter.
- Weight with mastmount: 0.6 kg.
AA-137 Preamp
Selective VHF-Preamplifier for Passive AntennasAlready integrated in our KX-137 and MX-137
Built for Passive Antennas
The AA-137 preamplifier not just compensates for cable losses, it improves the noise figure, sensitivity and selectivity, i.e. overall system reception performance. The five high-Q-filters are carefully adjusted on our network analyzer workplace. They create an excellent selectivity against the nearby aviation and ham-radio frequency bands. DC power is automatically fed from the receiver through the coaxial feed line.
The AA-137 is already integrated in our KX-137 and MX-137 antennas!
Technical Data
- Gain typ. 17dB.
- Noise figure 0.5 dB or better.
- High selectivity.
- 9 V to 15 V DC supply through the coaxial cable.
- Connectors 50 Ohms: Input N-Type, Output SO-239.
- Dimensions: ~ 11 cm x 6 cm x 9 cm.
- Mastmount, max. 60 mm diameter.
- Weight with mastmount: 0.4 kg.